Kids camp is over! but it will be back next year!!
Join THe Adventure
This event is desiged for elementary aged only K-5, kids will move to follow Jesus here, there, and everywhere with this engaging, hands-on Vacation Bible School program.
Orchard Church VBS will inspire kids to:
DO What Jesus Says, BELIEVE Who Jesus Is, LOVE Who Jesus Loves, and GO Where Jesus Leads.
Orchard Church VBS will inspire kids to:
DO What Jesus Says, BELIEVE Who Jesus Is, LOVE Who Jesus Loves, and GO Where Jesus Leads.

Do What Jesus Says (Day 1)
Bible Lesson: Sand & Rock (Matthew 7:24 – 29). Jesus made it clear that anyone who puts His teaching into practice builds their life on a foundation that will always be strong, no matter what happens in life. Don’t just KNOW how Jesus said we should live, actually LIVE that way each day. Bottom line: DO what Jesus says.

Beleive Who He Is (Day 2)
Bible Lesson: Who Do You Say I Am? (Matthew 16:13 – 20). This story shows us something all of us need to do as we choose to follow Jesus. We need to BELIEVE. Peter had the courage to speak what he knew to be true. He showed that he believed Jesus really is the Son of God. In the same way, this is what we need to do. Bottom line: BELIEVE who Jesus is

Love Who He Loves (Day 3)
Bible Lesson: Jesus Forgives Peter (John 21:15 – 25). Peter must have felt terrible after he messed up and denied knowing Jesus – especially after he had just promised Jesus he would always stay by His side. But Jesus loved Peter even though Peter messed up. Jesus loves us if we mess up. Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for all of our mess-ups – our sins…the things we have done wrong. If Jesus loves us that much, there’s something we can do in return. We can show His love to other people. The church was created to show and tell others about Jesus’ love for them. We are here to show love to others because we know how much Jesus loves us. Bottom Line: LOVE who Jesus loves. Jesus loves everyone, so we should show love to everyone we meet.

Go Where Jesus Leads (Day 4)
Bible Lesson: Paul in Athens (Acts 17:16 – 34). Some of the people of Athens actually believed in Jesus because of Paul’s words: Dionysius, Damaris, and others. Paul continued to share the good news about Jesus here, there, and everywhere. Paul was ready to MOVE wherever God led him. He was ready to share the good news about Jesus. He traveled far and wide to start churches and help other people put their faith in Jesus too. Bottom line: GO where Jesus leads.

When and Where
Where: Orchard Church & Childrens Center

It's time to get started.
Join us in raising up the next generation. We have open volunteer positions at all levels and not only for this special event but on all Sundays as well.